Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Create your own Online news papers and websites!

One of the biggest new trends is Online papers. There is this cool new website that you can set up your own newspaper. This new site is called paper.li. It can post itself weekly, daily, monthly, whenever you choose. You pick the topics and it takes information from current events and people you follow and put them on one site. In a newspaper looking format where you can organize the information and make it your news. You can have it post to any social media and it will automatically post at the time you set it. This is a simple and easy way to make sure information is getting out there. The best part is once you set it up, the work is all done!

Some helpful hints to help with your paper.li are seen in this article about, "Follow Smart People".  When your away it is helpful to catch up on local things going on. You can see the current events that were posted and make sure you haven't missed anything good. It helps you learn about different topics. Like my paper is about health so this will take health articles and put them on my news paper. This helps learn more about that topic. You can always take your paper and send it to your work place or share it with your class. This site has many cool concepts to it and is helping us keep up with information while sharing it in a cool way.

Another thing you can do is create a website for yourself. Weebly is growing and becoming a more popular site for this. This website is easy to use and free to sign up for. You can add pages, links, photos and many more things. This website is good for portfolios and just building your digital portfolio. You can choose from many layouts and add different tabs. It is very easy to help express yourself and create your own unique and personal website.

In Chapter 4 of Untangling the Web, it talks about Social Networking Tools. Teachers can use sites like TodaysMeet and Edmodo. These sites can invite students to an open online discussion that only the class can see. They can post lectures and links to things they need to learn. You can create group chats and other ways to connect with each other. Skype is another fun way to connect with either students or coworkers or friends. Skype can help you find other teachers, or professors and share ideas and other things with them.

1 comment:

  1. I think paper.li is a great thing to have on social media especially linked to twitter because it really helps to get to know what is up to date in your current field of study. Great blog!
