Monday, April 18, 2016

Make a better you!

In class we learned about circuits! We were given a box of Makey Makey and a whole bunch of wires. My team and I had to figure out how to connect playdoe, foil, cardboard or even a banana to these wire to make a controller. My team and I knew we needed several wires connected to different items to make a controller, but we couldn't figure out how to get it to work. As we kept trying we realized we didn't have a complete circuit. We needed a power source. After a few tries and the light flashing on and off, we figured out we could be the energy source. If you held a wire and touched the buttons it worked! It was so cool to finally understand how the energy transferred thru yourself and other objects. After we figured it out, we started playing games like Frogger, Pacman and even Guitar Hero! This little exercise was a smart way to help us collaborate and find solutions in a period of time. In the real world things will be thrown at us and you need to be able to critically think and find new ways to finish your tasks.

We spoke to a women named Robyn Hrivnatz who is Marketing and Educator Programs Manager for Microsoft. She started out as a teacher and realized she could do more. She spoke of her love of technology and how we can do anything if we set our mind to. She also stressed about the importance of social media. In todays day and age we can use technology to help us learn and even connect. Robyn spoke about how she wants to make a difference in the technology online world. It is a growing field that has endless possibilities.

In Connected Educator chapter 9, we learn about how we will always be a student. After we graduate and get a degree and even when we turn 80, we are always going to be a student. Always going to be changing and learning no matter how much knowledge we have. We will always be a student first before anything else.. There are 4 core Concepts behind this theory which are Knowledge, Pedagogy, Connections and Capacity. The knowledge aspect talks about how we will always be building on our intelligence. You need to use this and help express it and build on other people`s knowledge. Pedagogy is helping yourself and others chase your dreams. Follow you passions and your wants. There is a he world out there and we will never grab it if we don't try. Connections  is the third. We use this to help each other, connect to experts and expand our thoughts. We have so much networks and communities, join them get involved. Lastly, Capacity which means to challenge yourself. Push yourself, embrace possibilities. The world is yours and if you fail to seek it then you will never know the better you!

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