Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Social Media good or bad?

Social media is a huge part of todays lifestyle. Social media could either impact you positively or negatively. It could help you get the job and one post, one picture could get you fired. This is why we have to be careful of the stuff we post, the pictures we put out there and the comments we make.

In class we learned what not to do with the internet. How someone can get fired from a picture posted in 2009 or adding a student, or even just posting a nasty opinion. In my case, it had nothing to do with anything he posted, it was someone else's post that destroyed his career. Neftali Ortiz is  a child psychiatrist. He was driving to work one day and he hit a car getting off I95. Who happened to be a 4 month pregnant women. He then proceed to drive away hitting her car again. The women took out her phone and took a picture of him and his license. She posted it on facebook as a warning to other drivers. He ended up loosing almost all of his clients and many comments were made to him. He will appear to court and could see jail time. Oriz said, " Social Media ruined my Life."

In our Connected Educator textbook, we learn about positive social media. In chapter 5, it gives us tools for documenting, connecting, for social networking,  and extending your learning. When it comes to documenting, helpful tools include bookmarking. This is making sure all of your information is organized and easy to locate. The web is so big and diverse we need a way to help put all our information in a safe place. Delicious is a good book marking site. It helps you tag a website and will help with easy retrieval. Some fun tools to use for connecting is blogs. Sites like this one help you express your ideas. There are also many blogging cites like EduBlog that will help your blog be shared with a group of people. Twitter is another way to connect. It not so much blogging, but it is an easy to connect in a fast pace. Depending on your major or career type, there are hundreds of tools for social networking. There are some general social networking sites like Facebook that make it really easy to connect. Finally making sure you are extending the learning not just from the classroom but outside it. Teachertube is a fun way to help students learn and find videos to help better understand the topic.

Social Media can be used for many things. This is why it is so important to use social media positively. There is so many things out there to explore and learn. There are also so many ways to destroy your life using social media, so next time you long on to your computer or post that picture, just think about how it will effect you.  

1 comment:

  1. I really liked reading your blog because you go in depth with what is really good and what is really bad to post onto social media. People need to begin to use social media with common sense. Not using it to post your personal life stories or negatively put down someone or something. They also need to be noticed of the privacy policy on social media because they all change, yet one thing that remains the same is that it is permanent and will never come back. Once posted, that is it. Great Blog!
