Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Is your life Awesome?

In Neil Pasricha`s Ted Talk , spoke about the 3 A`s of awesome. Neil started a website, in a dark time of his life called "1000 Awesome Things." This reminded him that life wasn't so bad. He would post satisfying things in life. These little things in life that make us happy, like clothes right out of the dryer, and the warmth it brings to you. How happy you get when you get a refill without asking. There are a million things that happen throughout our day that make us happy, but most of the time we take them for granted.

He won the best blog of the year award.

 Neil shared the 3 As; attitude, awareness, and authenticity.

First; Attitude
No one can predict the future, we will never know what will happen through our day. There will be bad days and bad weeks and bad years, that is just life. We as people choose how to deal with our dark times. We can deal with it and choose to grow and thrive from it, or we can choose to sulk and waste days, months, maybe years at our low place. He explained how we only have life and no matter how difficult life is we need to move forward. Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Two; Awareness.
When you are a child, you notice everything. Every little detail, movement, smell, thought and even idea. That is most likely why 4 year olds ask "Why?" after everything said. This is something we loose after we seen something once. We don't appreciate what we have as much as the first time it is noticed. This is why we need to cherish the stud we have. Every little moment is worth something. Every conversation, every movement, every smell. All of this makes our world go round, and everything that happens we should be aware and cherish. We only have one life, we need to take each breath as a blessing.
Three; Authenticity.
Each one of us is unique. We need to embrace this part of us. We are different in who we are, what we do and think. This is the part of us that makes us who we are. This is what helps us find love, and make the friendships we have. This is the part that makes everyone different. Being yourself and expressing yourself is a big key in life. If you always follow the Status Quo you will never know who you are and who you are meant to be.

Chapter 3 in Untangling the Web, they give some good websites that can be used for presenting. These include SlideSharePoll Everywherevoicethread, and my favorite Prezi. Each one of these websites are used for presenting information. It could be stats, class project or even for work. You can add graphs, voice threads, slideshows, and even moment to your presentation. Each website offers a unique ideas to whatever you may present. These websites are offered to add that flare to your work and not be another boring powerpoint. Educators, students, and professionals are using them to express their ideas and make their presentation unforgettable. So next time you are going to present, make sure to check one of these sites out to add some pop to your work!       

Poll Everywhere 
Voice Thread


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