Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Presentations shouldnt be a bore!

Presentations can be so boring, slide after slide, a million words, it can make the audience fall asleep. There are 5 different and unique websites you can use alternative to powerpoints. You can use these sights to spice up your presentation.
1. Powtoon.

This is a website that helps add a little bit of animated characters. It is a fun way to help get the point across thru little animated figures and dramatic slogans. It just like  making your own mini cartoon episode.
2. Prezi

This website, is a fun interactive way to present. It has zooming features and takes you on a "Journey." It can give you so motion sickness, but it is very easy to make the 3D look real.
3. Keynote

This is the better, easier version of powerpoint for a Mac computer. It has the same features, but is much easier to use on Mac computers than the average Powerpoint.
4. Prezentit

This is very similar to powerpoint but has some cool transition features to help have a smooth powerpoint.
5. Sliderocket

This is one of the best softwares out there, but it doesn't come cheap. It has many different features, including changing the colors and defining the pictures and backgrounds you add.

Another fun website that is good for presentations is GoAnimate. It is easy to use and needs no artistic experience needed. You add your slides and words and then pick what you want to move. They have a lot of templates, backgrounds, music, sounds characters and even languages for the characters to speak. With a new clicks you can transform any lecture to a min movie. It as a easy step-by-step process that helps explain the information easier. This is extremely good for students or even to send a message like anti-drugs or anti-bullying. GoAnimate is also shown very helpful for special needs children.

Microsoft added a new part of Microsoft Sway called Microsoft Swift. This is another way to do presentations. It is a quick and more clear way to present your ideas onscreen rather than to an audience. They are backed up to the Icloud and can be used from your IPhone, IPad, ect. You can add Sway on a website or on a powerpoint. You would created a sway which is like a note card rather than a slide. This is a quick way you can jot down your thoughts and tidbits of information you think of. This application is still growing and making changes. It will be added to Office in the next year, so stay tuned.

In class we had an interview with Astronaut Abby. She was an inspiration to all. She is 18 years old and has accomplished so many things. She told us about how her parents never doubted her and always told her to follow her dreams and she did it. She created her own organization/blog with the help of other astronauts to help spread information about Mars. To help people and little kids realize how far we are growing. There is so much out their in space and we are slowly being able to explore it. Abby is so brave to wanting to go to Mars, I know I would have the guts to go into space, let alone a new planet that is slowly being explored. She really is an inspiration to everyone. No one dream is too big, you can do anything you strive for.
You just have to

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