Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Are you unorganized?

Have you ever been so disorganized, you loose a picture or a document?
With this app called Evernote this will make your life a whole lot easier. Evernote is an app that you can make notes on, record messages, take and store photos, scan things including business cards, and it saves all of this to the app which can be accessed anywhere. You can use a pen and scribble notes or even take page clips from different websites. This app lets you make check lists and will help you find a note using word search. Say you are looking for a note for one of you classes, you can look up the word you are looking for and ever note or picture that has that word will pop up. Almost like a google search though your pictures!
Jordan Collier  came up with 19 useful things Evernote can do. Jordan is a middle school teacher and he used Evernote to help his students in class. Using this app you can take pictures of the board, if it is notes, or the week agenda, capturing the moment is very helpful. Evernote is very helpful with making lists, helps keep you organized and ready for upcoming test, or homework. Another helpful idea, would be to scan or take a picture of the homework assignments. This was you don't have to bring home your textbook. This app is a easy way to keep your notes, and web clips, not just for school but for any daily use. Evernote has this cool use, that lets other people access your notes if you allow. This was group projects can be accessed from the home. This helps share the information and helps the students collaborate. There are so many more useful tasks Evernote can help you with! Doesn`t have to be in the classroom, it could be used for work, or even your daily life!

If you want to make yourself an Evernote Master you could upgrade Evernote. This is about $5 a month, but this could change everything for you.  It can replace powerpoint with an easy presentation mode that helps you make edits super quickly. You can easily connect your evernote to your email. Thus emailing your work to anyone, anywhere. You can also merge your notes and make them one big note, or organize them into different files. Evernote is an easy to use app and the possibilities are endless to the things you can achieve with this app!

Another app that is very useful in the class room is called BIG HUGE LABS. In Untangling the Web, explains how this app helps edit pictures and helps make fun crafts and projects. It is an easy tool to help make printouts, class visuals and even motivational visuals. This app is very easy to navigate and very helpful in helping students learn. Visuals are a fun and easy way to help students learn! this app is the perfect fit for any classroom teacher, parent, or student that needs an easy way to make creative projects and assignments.

In chapter two of Connected Educator talks about developing a connected learning model. It talks about the three prong approach. 1. Use face-to-face connections in a learning community. 2. Choose an online resource from around the world. become global and broaden your PLN. 3. Fine a committed and collective learning group to help you share ideas and connections. After making these connections, it is important t have a mutual language. This is so everyone can respond and be up to date. Make sure each group has some history of the topic and everyone is giving some information that is research based.  Each group should collaborate on the topic and know the goals that are set. Each person is mutually accounted for information in the group. To have the best outcomes and input diversity is a big key. All of these tips will help you grow, gain knowledge and develop a connecting learning model. 

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