Monday, February 1, 2016

Why our digital portfolio is important.

   Hello, I`m Kaitlyn Jenkins. I am a junior here at Stockton. I am a Health Science major with a concentration of Occupational Therapy. I wanted to take this class because I know how helpful the Internet can be. I thought it would be a good way to broaden my horizons on what jobs, and helpful advice is out there. Finding a job is not easy these days, but making sure my digital portfolio is professional and correct will definitely help.

    The first reading we did was on Chapter 6 of book, "The connected Educator," by Sheryl Nussbaun-Beach, and Lani Ritter Hall. In this chapter we learn why it is important to have a personal learning network. We learn how to follow and how you build your network through blogs. This chapter explains why and how this class is going to effect our lives for the better. The way we thrive is through a healthy community. We build up on who we are and our knowledge through a clear purpose, shared history and culture, active participation, and a shared concern. We use the community to help us build relationships and gain strengths and be more diverse. All of this is important for us in the real world. Another thing that was helpful in this chapter, was learning the different roles in the learning communities. To be someone out in the world you cant be a follower. You need to build your own voice and express yourself. If you are a teacher, nurse, occupational therapist or even just a worker at a business you wont get anywhere if you don't express yourself. You get a job and move up to a higher position working hard, learning new material, leading the way, and building your community. `When you build up your learning network, you build trust. You identify tools, and that sense of community we need. We have successful found ways to help better ourselves in the world. Not all apps are designed for play, there are hundreds out there designed to help us grow as a person, in both as a professional and in our personal life.

      Twitter is a god way to connect with the outside world. There are 200 million active users on twitter.  If you share come common interests or find people that talk about a related topic you build your connections. Social media is to help share and express different thoughts and ideas. The more times someone re-tweets you or even messages back you get seen by more people. This is a way to help become seen. You want to start off with smaller people and grow as you build your more professional portfolio.
    Another helpful thing twitter has, is having the lists to subscribe too. This way you and your followers have a better understand of the conversation. The Twitter list, help organize what your followers are talking about. This way you can keep up with the topics you want to follow. Another positive effect is that it helps you find more people talking about the same topic. This was you can build on the community.
    Twitter also can help students learn. A school in Newport has helped student keep up with the new learning techniques. Their teacher helped explain how they can connect with different teachers and parents. Help find people good at math or science to help teach them. It is also a good way to talk and connect with their hero's. Online education is a very helpful thing if used correctly. It is very important that everyone has a understand of how to achieve the correct knowledge of how to use it.( positive twitter use )

1 comment:

  1. Your explanation and stress on using social media and online tools couldn't be more on point. I believe most sites have become more of a "trolling" tool than a connection to others. Before this class I believed Twitter was just another Facebook, but now I see the benefits, and anticipate learning more to use in the future. Thanks for sharing with us!
