Sunday, February 7, 2016

Google and it`s features, bigger and better than ever.


       Google is one of the top search engine sites to obtain the world`s information. Type in anything you desire and in seconds, links, photos, maps, and even apps come up related to your topic.It is one of the most useful things on the internet, but do we really know how useful Google can be? Google has so many tools, it is hard to full understand them all. In class we learned how Google has a calculator and how you can ask Google to APA format your reference for you. Google has many different links but there are three important tools google has. These include; Google translate, Google handout, and Google Docs.

      Google Translate is one of the greatest features on Google. It helps if you have a language barrier or even if you are traveling to help understand each other. It is easy as typing in what you want to say and Google will even pronounce it for you. The newest edition to this, is Google is coming out with a translation app. It will give you the ability to take a aim your mobile device to something with words on it and your phone will translate it to the language you desire. It is an easy way to help travelers explore and understand their surroundings. It helps people from other countries to get around the United States better and learn English if need be.

       Google Hangout is a easy way to meet with a group of people without being with them face to face. With your Google Account you can create a Google Hangout and be invited to an online chat. This chat can either be one to one, with millions of people or as many as you choose. It is a fun way to do interviews, contest, presentations, even hold a online class. It is a good way to connect with your community. Google Hangout is just a fun, new way to connect with people and share information.

      Google Docs usually isn’t the first place you think of when you are going to write a paper, but Google Docs is the newest trend. It was made with collaboration involved. It a way to save your paper online through your email and never lose it. It is an easy way to access it from everywhere. Gone are those days when your computer crashes half way through a paper and it’s gone. Google Docs saves it after every word. Plus since it is saved thru your email, you can access it on any computer, phone, tablet, iPad or whatever device has internet. Another positive thing about Google Docs, it is completely free unlike Microsoft, and it is easily shared with whomever you like. This technology also gives you the power to let other people edit it. It gives you the power to track and see others work on the same document you are working on. It can help businesses, and school projects go much smoother. Each person can add to the paper or power point or even a spreadsheet.

  Google is one of the many tools that can help us with every day life. As the apps and features grow we grow as humans. It helps us learn new languages, new ways to communicate and new ways to help us spread information. Technology grows better and better each and everyday. Soon we will be fixing global warming and reading each others mind. There is so much to learn and Google is a great tool to help us achieve what we need, grow as people, and explore what is out there.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Google has it's pros and cons., but for the most part it is becoming an essential tool in our everyday lives especially for students. I say this because as years progress, so does technology. We are always finding new ways to do things and find things out and make things easier for us and Google has been around for the longest time. Just making sure before you click "submit" on something, that it is exactly what you want to say or post because it will be there forever.
