Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Are you unorganized?

Have you ever been so disorganized, you loose a picture or a document?
With this app called Evernote this will make your life a whole lot easier. Evernote is an app that you can make notes on, record messages, take and store photos, scan things including business cards, and it saves all of this to the app which can be accessed anywhere. You can use a pen and scribble notes or even take page clips from different websites. This app lets you make check lists and will help you find a note using word search. Say you are looking for a note for one of you classes, you can look up the word you are looking for and ever note or picture that has that word will pop up. Almost like a google search though your pictures!
Jordan Collier  came up with 19 useful things Evernote can do. Jordan is a middle school teacher and he used Evernote to help his students in class. Using this app you can take pictures of the board, if it is notes, or the week agenda, capturing the moment is very helpful. Evernote is very helpful with making lists, helps keep you organized and ready for upcoming test, or homework. Another helpful idea, would be to scan or take a picture of the homework assignments. This was you don't have to bring home your textbook. This app is a easy way to keep your notes, and web clips, not just for school but for any daily use. Evernote has this cool use, that lets other people access your notes if you allow. This was group projects can be accessed from the home. This helps share the information and helps the students collaborate. There are so many more useful tasks Evernote can help you with! Doesn`t have to be in the classroom, it could be used for work, or even your daily life!

If you want to make yourself an Evernote Master you could upgrade Evernote. This is about $5 a month, but this could change everything for you.  It can replace powerpoint with an easy presentation mode that helps you make edits super quickly. You can easily connect your evernote to your email. Thus emailing your work to anyone, anywhere. You can also merge your notes and make them one big note, or organize them into different files. Evernote is an easy to use app and the possibilities are endless to the things you can achieve with this app!

Another app that is very useful in the class room is called BIG HUGE LABS. In Untangling the Web, explains how this app helps edit pictures and helps make fun crafts and projects. It is an easy tool to help make printouts, class visuals and even motivational visuals. This app is very easy to navigate and very helpful in helping students learn. Visuals are a fun and easy way to help students learn! this app is the perfect fit for any classroom teacher, parent, or student that needs an easy way to make creative projects and assignments.

In chapter two of Connected Educator talks about developing a connected learning model. It talks about the three prong approach. 1. Use face-to-face connections in a learning community. 2. Choose an online resource from around the world. become global and broaden your PLN. 3. Fine a committed and collective learning group to help you share ideas and connections. After making these connections, it is important t have a mutual language. This is so everyone can respond and be up to date. Make sure each group has some history of the topic and everyone is giving some information that is research based.  Each group should collaborate on the topic and know the goals that are set. Each person is mutually accounted for information in the group. To have the best outcomes and input diversity is a big key. All of these tips will help you grow, gain knowledge and develop a connecting learning model. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

How is your digital footprint?

In the first chapter of "Untangling the Web," the authors Steve Dembo and Adam Bellow, talk about curation tools.  Curation tools use things like social bookmarking allowing you to oraginze and share your collective information. It is a way people to share ideas and find information faster. If you go to sites like Symbaloo, and Diigo, there are folders inside folders with each different category and sub category. This is a great way to find topics related to your search. Curations have made it easier to find information on a topic and the different bookmarks help you share within the different topics more information.

The internet is a very useful thing, but did you know that every time you tweet, tag your location and even just post a status you leave a digital footprint? A digital footprint is the word used to the trace we leave on the internet. When we use the internet, the information we post never goes away. Therefore, we must be smart on what we post. If the internet is used correctly, a positive digital footprint can be left.  The first step is you want to establish an identity, this is so business, colleges and companies can find you. Your online identity isn't hard to find, so expressing yourself though a positive and respectful manner would be best. Second, be consistent. make sure to keep the same user name so people can find you and connect with you.
There are many ways to manage your digital portfolio. Teach thought came up with helpful tips to help make sure your footprint is the best it can be. The first tip is to make sure some of your social media websites are on private. No one needs to see every part of your social life. two, make sure not to overshare. Media is a good way to share information, but the world doesn't need to know every detail of your day. Another good tip they give, is to Google yourself. This might sound silly, but find out what employers and colleges can find on you. This will give you a good idea to what can and shouldn't be posted. There is many more helpful tips on how to keep you digital profile organized. This includes keeping one user name, password and email. Make sure to monitor your account and keep your passwords safe.
One of the worst things you could do for yourself is have bad posts on the internet. Many students post/ will post things that could effect them in the future. Colleges, employers and even coaches find things thru the internet about you. The major things you should not post is illegal activity. The pressure now a days to be "cool" is not worth not getting a job or getting into college. Bullying is another big thing that student can get in a lot of trouble for.  Posting mean things about teachers, students, employers doesn't go away. It needs to be up for just a minute for the wrong person to see it.
The internet serves as a great place to communicate and explore the outside world. It can lead to jobs, employers and even scholarships. Every single post that you send cant be erased, it is out there forever. In class we spoke with Cameron Brenchley, the Vice President at Collaborative Communications. He helped us fully understand the importance of our digital footprint. He helped the White House and the House of Representatives with their social media. Him and his team would make sure what they were posting for the government was appropriate for all ages and easily understood. Cameron talked about how even the White House uses the internet and different apps to spread information and communicate with the public. He gave us different tips of where to start for looking for employers and what applications to download to help us get our name out there.
Your digital footprint is whatever you make it out to be. Post the right things, stand out and express yourself. Doing this in a professional manor can help you out in the long run. It can help you as a student looking for a job, as a business owner and a professional get a higher status. The Internet is a wonderful place, just making sure it is used correctly is the most important thing.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Google and it`s features, bigger and better than ever.


       Google is one of the top search engine sites to obtain the world`s information. Type in anything you desire and in seconds, links, photos, maps, and even apps come up related to your topic.It is one of the most useful things on the internet, but do we really know how useful Google can be? Google has so many tools, it is hard to full understand them all. In class we learned how Google has a calculator and how you can ask Google to APA format your reference for you. Google has many different links but there are three important tools google has. These include; Google translate, Google handout, and Google Docs.

      Google Translate is one of the greatest features on Google. It helps if you have a language barrier or even if you are traveling to help understand each other. It is easy as typing in what you want to say and Google will even pronounce it for you. The newest edition to this, is Google is coming out with a translation app. It will give you the ability to take a aim your mobile device to something with words on it and your phone will translate it to the language you desire. It is an easy way to help travelers explore and understand their surroundings. It helps people from other countries to get around the United States better and learn English if need be.

       Google Hangout is a easy way to meet with a group of people without being with them face to face. With your Google Account you can create a Google Hangout and be invited to an online chat. This chat can either be one to one, with millions of people or as many as you choose. It is a fun way to do interviews, contest, presentations, even hold a online class. It is a good way to connect with your community. Google Hangout is just a fun, new way to connect with people and share information.

      Google Docs usually isn’t the first place you think of when you are going to write a paper, but Google Docs is the newest trend. It was made with collaboration involved. It a way to save your paper online through your email and never lose it. It is an easy way to access it from everywhere. Gone are those days when your computer crashes half way through a paper and it’s gone. Google Docs saves it after every word. Plus since it is saved thru your email, you can access it on any computer, phone, tablet, iPad or whatever device has internet. Another positive thing about Google Docs, it is completely free unlike Microsoft, and it is easily shared with whomever you like. This technology also gives you the power to let other people edit it. It gives you the power to track and see others work on the same document you are working on. It can help businesses, and school projects go much smoother. Each person can add to the paper or power point or even a spreadsheet.

  Google is one of the many tools that can help us with every day life. As the apps and features grow we grow as humans. It helps us learn new languages, new ways to communicate and new ways to help us spread information. Technology grows better and better each and everyday. Soon we will be fixing global warming and reading each others mind. There is so much to learn and Google is a great tool to help us achieve what we need, grow as people, and explore what is out there.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Why our digital portfolio is important.

   Hello, I`m Kaitlyn Jenkins. I am a junior here at Stockton. I am a Health Science major with a concentration of Occupational Therapy. I wanted to take this class because I know how helpful the Internet can be. I thought it would be a good way to broaden my horizons on what jobs, and helpful advice is out there. Finding a job is not easy these days, but making sure my digital portfolio is professional and correct will definitely help.

    The first reading we did was on Chapter 6 of book, "The connected Educator," by Sheryl Nussbaun-Beach, and Lani Ritter Hall. In this chapter we learn why it is important to have a personal learning network. We learn how to follow and how you build your network through blogs. This chapter explains why and how this class is going to effect our lives for the better. The way we thrive is through a healthy community. We build up on who we are and our knowledge through a clear purpose, shared history and culture, active participation, and a shared concern. We use the community to help us build relationships and gain strengths and be more diverse. All of this is important for us in the real world. Another thing that was helpful in this chapter, was learning the different roles in the learning communities. To be someone out in the world you cant be a follower. You need to build your own voice and express yourself. If you are a teacher, nurse, occupational therapist or even just a worker at a business you wont get anywhere if you don't express yourself. You get a job and move up to a higher position working hard, learning new material, leading the way, and building your community. `When you build up your learning network, you build trust. You identify tools, and that sense of community we need. We have successful found ways to help better ourselves in the world. Not all apps are designed for play, there are hundreds out there designed to help us grow as a person, in both as a professional and in our personal life.

      Twitter is a god way to connect with the outside world. There are 200 million active users on twitter.  If you share come common interests or find people that talk about a related topic you build your connections. Social media is to help share and express different thoughts and ideas. The more times someone re-tweets you or even messages back you get seen by more people. This is a way to help become seen. You want to start off with smaller people and grow as you build your more professional portfolio.
    Another helpful thing twitter has, is having the lists to subscribe too. This way you and your followers have a better understand of the conversation. The Twitter list, help organize what your followers are talking about. This way you can keep up with the topics you want to follow. Another positive effect is that it helps you find more people talking about the same topic. This was you can build on the community.
    Twitter also can help students learn. A school in Newport has helped student keep up with the new learning techniques. Their teacher helped explain how they can connect with different teachers and parents. Help find people good at math or science to help teach them. It is also a good way to talk and connect with their hero's. Online education is a very helpful thing if used correctly. It is very important that everyone has a understand of how to achieve the correct knowledge of how to use it.( positive twitter use )